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As an affiliate marketer one of the requirements you will face is being a writer. If your not a writer now  get ready to be one .Whether its writing articles,blog posts,reviews ,or just guest posting or writing articles on article directories you will have to start writing a lot more than you did before you were an affiliate marketer.

Finding the time

The only time I could write is at night when the Wife and kids are fast asleep .Everyone is different but ,for me I need peace and quiet from the daily grind to write anything. As soon as its quiet t night I find my equal librium and im able to express how I feel. For you you may feel you can write better when its loud on the subway or maybe you can write and have lots of ideas in the daytime at home. For me not so much ,for me the daytime brings on so many unknowns and variables you cant predict so night time is perfect for me.

So find the time which works best for you.Once you h ave the time down then create a schedule whether its a mind map or google calendar write down the times you will write and stick to it. No one will read your blog or articles if you only have one blog post or no one will read your articles if you don’t have any published. So you get what im saying.

Where I get the thoughts and ideas from

For myself im lucky I actually work alone at my day job. So as soon as I get an idea in my head I stop what im doing and I write it down on some scrap paper. Some people prefer carrying around a tape recorder,some smart phones will do this for you . Then when you return home you just push play and transcribe what you hear into your word processor. Instead of trying to figure out what you wrote or scribbled on some sticky notes or scrap paper it can get sloppy,we all been there . You write down something you get home you look at your notes and your scratching your head saying what in the world does that say?

So this is why a smart phone may be a good option with a voice recorder. For me I know everyone is not created equal and all but ,for me my ideas would only come into my head when I was not at home,so for instance recording my voice into my laptop at home would not be an option for me since no thoughts would enter my mind at home. Like I said everyone is different I need to be alone and for it to be quiet for random thoughts just pop into my head.


If thats not you

If thoughts like random thoughts don’t pop into your head like they do me then you may need some help finding some topics. A few tips would be to browse your competitions blog page.Maybe his youtube etc his twitter and see what they are writing about. Do not copy them just use it as inspiration to come up with your own articles.

Maybe they have an article about the ten foods to help you overcome diabetes as an example. Then you write an article about how drinking red wine has helped your cholesterol and it will help yours too aswell.

Another example you see an article about bringing your children to school early. You then write an article how home schooling is the best thing ever and has changed your way of thinking. You get the point if you get  stuck find some related articles then put your spin on things then make your own arguments with your experience.

Once you start making your own arguments people will begin to gain trust and you and your brand your blog your following will grow etc. If  for some reason you feel this method is not for you and would rather have someone run your business for you try out these guys.


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