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Dont put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to freelancing and blogging

Do not put all your eggs in one basket

 Yes let me tell you why. You may be tempted to get as many affiliate offers from
 many different networks as you can use to build up your passive income stream. This way it will  be coming from many different avenues on the onset it sounds great but let me tell you why its not.

Dont do it

For one you run the risk of being too overwhelmed in the sense you have a money blog but,your promoting cat food. Whom none of your subscribers want . Maybe you have a online school to teach people some money secrets but,your promoting lip stick or jewelry. 

So instead do not write an article just to make a sale or just write an article  for google. Instead only write articles that are in depth-rich content that is based on your niche and instead only have a handful of promotional content but,is related to your niche.

Theres nothing more of a put off then going to a blog or website with a whole bunch of popups and advertisements and banners. All they really do is to get you to close the browser and go to soneones else page who is giving you more information about that niche. 

Do not bite off more you can chew

Another thing id like to point out is when starting out blogging one thing you should avoid is to blog about 20 different niches all at once.Some beginners feel if they are blogging about ten or 20 different niches sites they can monetize all these blogs and make passive income from 20 blogs all the same time. Yes and no maybe in the old days but google has a new algorithm that wont allow for you to do things like   keyword stuffing your blogs so these days its better to focus on just one two or maybe three niches and keep it simple.

The time

Also keep in mind if you have say ten different niche sites for example. You will not be spending enough time on all of them ,your subscribers will take notice and will lose revenue in the long run. Imagine if you had a dog breeders blog,a diy blog,a news blog,a sports blog,a political blog,a kung fu blog,a cooking blog,a porn blog,a real estate blog,a investing and trading blog.

Lets pause for just a moment now think when would you find the time to do all this blogging on ten different blogs ? Also are you posting valuable content to your readers . So this is why its crucial for you to just stick to one blog niche. where you just blog about one topic. Or maybe you like to talk about many topics and have your main blog and some navigation at the top where you blog about  2 other topics. Kind of like i do. I have the blog where i teach you about making money and have a blog about lawn care and a blog about edm as im passionate about all of them.

Social media too it matters

When talking about biting off more you can chew. It also applies in social media. For example you may be tempted to join every social media account you ever heard of so you can promote your blogs ,your articles your websites your affiliate offers. Thats all well in good faith and all but,what happens is when you subscribe to like 30 social media accounts you lose focus cause your not spending enough time on them. Social media is supposed to be social your suppose to interact with people! Your supposed to engage with people social media is not something you do for 5 minutes a day for once a week on 10 ,20 or 30 different social media networks.

I know its tempting to join facebook,twitter,pinterest,instagram,snap chat,youtube,stumble upon those were just 7 i mentioned off the top of my head but imagine if you joined say  15 of them for example.You would be overwhelmed for one and you would not be spending enough time on each one.

So the best thing to do is to think about your niche and choose the one or two social media networks that will fit your niche. Then just use them to the fullest. Lets say you have an ice cream parlor facebook and instagram would be perfect. Let say you have a spa youtube and stumble upon would be great.

So focus one one and be social be engaging on your social media accounts thats what being social is all about.


When it comes to freelancing dont take on too many jobs you cant complete its pretty self explanatory but ,youd be surprised as to how many people are on fiverr ,upwork and seoclerks and a host of other freelance networks and are just taking on too much they can accomplish in a short period of time .

So take it from me i been there and done that just be with one or two freelance networks and only take a job you know you can complete quickly and efficiently to the best of your ability anything less than that would be selling yourself short and would be a failure.


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